Edinburg CISD police increasing patrols for drivers illegally passing school buses
The Edinburg CISD Police Department will have more officers patrolling around school buses.
On Wednesday, the district announced they received a $95,000 grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to have extra patrols to catch drivers who are illegally passing school buses that are stopped.
“It's a big problem in Edinburg, it's a problem everywhere,” Edinburg CISD Transportation Director Alonzo Barbosa said. “From cars to 18-wheelers, you name it.”
The extra patrols will be out as early as next week, the district says.
According to the district, there will be an officer on the bus and another following in a patrol unit.
The district says with the help of their bus drivers, they were able to identify the most problematic routes.
If officers see drivers passing a school bus with the stop sign out, they will be ticketed.
“We wanna make sure that that our motorists understand: comply with the law, especially with buses because we have our precious cargo on there,” Edinburg CISD Police Chief Ricardo Pérez, Jr. said.
The rules change based on the road you're on. If a bus has that stop sign out on a two lane road, all drivers need to stop.
The same goes with a four lane road if there is no divider or median.
Watch the video above for the full story.