
Frequently Asked Questions

Request Copy of Story

Who do I talk to about getting a copy of a story from the newscast?
Contact Michelle Rubio in the newsroom at (956) 631-5555 ext. 5561

Can I get a copy of a story from last week? Last month? Last year?
Yes, most stories are archived in our news library. But all requests must be approved by the news director.

Anyone requesting a copy of a story must sign a waiver, which states the person won't use the video for any court purposes.

If a news story is being requested for court purposes, a subpoena is required, along with a signed release form.

Note: We do not release any stories regarding accidents, fire, the court system, etc.

How much does a copy cost?

Do I have to provide the DVD or VHS for the copy?
No, the DVD is included in the cost.

Can I get video e-mailed to me?

Can I get a copy of an entire newscast?
No, we do not provide copies of entire newscasts.

How can I get a copy of raw video?
We do not provide any raw video.

How long does it take to get a copy made?
It takes around two weeks.

Find a Story on KRGV.com

Looking for a local story?

If it's a recent story, click here to check the recent local news listings.

You can also use the search box near the top of the page to type in what you're looking for.

Segments like Con Mi Gente can be found under the Community section.

Here are some reasons you might not find a story:

We strive to post as many stories as possible. But not every local story on a newscast gets posted on the website. Most stories are removed from the website after a month.

Send a News Tip

If you would like to send a news tip, please fill out the form on the Submit A Tip page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most videos posted prior to April 1, 2013 have been removed from KRGV.com. This is due to the fact that they do not have closed captioning, which is now required by the Federal Communications Commission.

Having trouble seeing the videos?

Get the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. It's free. Click here to visit their web site.

Note: Even if you have the latest version, you may have to download and install it again.

Also, if you're at work, you may want to check with your IT department. Some business and organizations block video streaming.

Hearing programs in Spanish?

Your television most likely switched to SAP (second audio program) mode. Each television varies on how to switch to SAP mode. There is usually an Audio, MTS, or SAP button on your remote. Pushing this will switch the audio mode. If your remote doesn't have any of these buttons, you'll have to consult the manual for your television.

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