
Student of the Week: Lizette Martinez

Student of the Week: Lizette Martinez
1 year 11 months 3 weeks ago Wednesday, November 02 2022 Nov 2, 2022 November 02, 2022 9:07 AM November 02, 2022 in News

When it comes to her future, Lizette Martinez knows the path she wants to take.

"I plan to attend Texas A&M University to study biology so I can go into nursing,” Martinez said. "My dream job is to be a labor and delivery nurse."

Ranked in the top 5 of her class, the Grulla High School senior is already on track toward that goal.

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"I received my medical assistant certification last year, and during the spring semester, I received my phlebotomy certification, and in the summer I received my patient care technician certification,” Martinez said.

Those courses taught her various skills, from CPR to drawing blood. But that's not all she's learned.

"Just being in the class I've learned a lot, mostly patience and trust, you always have to trust yourself, and you always have to be confident in yourself,” Martinez said.

Martinez is currently the class president, vice president of student council and parliamentarian for the National Honor Society. Martinez even does the announcements at football games.

"It's helped a lot, it's made me more confident when I speak to people in public,” Martinez said. “It's really helped."

While Lizette takes great pride in her education, she also finds time to give back to her community through her volunteer work.

"I grew up here, I love my town, and I'm proud to be from here," Martinez said.

Lizette's hard work doesn’t go unnoticed by those around her.

"She's just a natural born leader, she's dedicated, she thrives on knowledge, she always takes charge," said Melissa Rodriguez, a health and science teacher. 

Both mom and dad are proud of all she does.

"She's an awesome daughter; I really love her so much. I know I'm really hard on her all the time but I just want her to be the best," said Lizette's mother, San Juanita Martinez. 

It's that love from her family that Lizette says keeps her going.

"My family motivates me, especially my siblings to keep on going and to set an example for my sister because she's barely growing up and I want her to see me as her example, to be her role model," Martinez said. 

Lizette also says she wants to one day be able to help kids in her own community.

"I want to see them succeed, and if I can help them in any way like heal them, save them from a disease I want it to be my job,” Martinez said.

Lizette's hard work and will to help others makes her this week's Student of the Week.

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