
Mission polling location experiences minor technical issues on Election Day

Mission polling location experiences minor technical issues on Election Day
2 years 10 months 3 days ago Tuesday, March 01 2022 Mar 1, 2022 March 01, 2022 1:31 PM March 01, 2022 in News - Local

Technical issues at a Democratic polling location in Mission caused a minor hiccup on Election Day.

A hybrid voting machine went down Tuesday morning at the polling location at O'Grady Elementary School in Mission, which is a Democratic polling location.

The Hidalgo County Elections Department said it was due to an issue with a faulty chord, but this issue has since been resolved.

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Elections Department officials are asking voters to be patient as this is a fairly new system. A voter Channel 5 News spoke to said the line was moving slowly early Tuesday, but after more machines were brought in, things picked up after that.

However, that has not been everyone's experience. One voter expressed his frustrations, saying election officials didn't warn him that the site was only a Democratic polling location before starting the process.

"They should've at least— before they even update your name and all that they should at least ask you, ‘Hey, are you voting Republican or Democrat?" said Vicente Lopez, a Republican voter.

To avoid similar delays, make sure you are going to the correct polling location for your party before heading to the polls.

You can find a full list of Election Day voting locations at krgv.com/elections.

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