
Cameron County prepares for Election Day

Cameron County prepares for Election Day
2 years 10 months 4 days ago Monday, February 28 2022 Feb 28, 2022 February 28, 2022 9:32 AM February 28, 2022 in News

Election Day for the March primaries is on Tuesday and county election departments have been hard at work making sure they're ready for the big day.

Tuesday is voters’ last chance to participate in the primaries. For this election, everyone is required to vote based on their political party, and the results will determine who goes on the ballot in November.

Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza said preparations happened over the weekend.

READ ALSO: Early voting turnout: Republican votes triple in Cameron County compared to 2018 midterm elections  

“All this weekend, we trained our election judge workers to provide them the materials,” Garza said. “We distributed everything on Sunday to make sure they had their ballots and polling booths and things like that to set up their polling sites. We're coordinating with the local jurisdictions that will be hosting our polling sites."

Garza said the Republican and Democratic parties in Cameron County will start processing the in-person early voting ballots on Monday, and they expect to have those results available by 7 p.m. Tuesday for the first release of results.

For a list of Election Day polling locations, head to KRGV.com/elections.

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