
New process for electioneering in Hidalgo County

New process for electioneering in Hidalgo County
3 years 2 months 2 weeks ago Tuesday, October 19 2021 Oct 19, 2021 October 19, 2021 8:45 AM October 19, 2021 in Election Coverage

A trip to the polls in Hidalgo County may look a little different this year as a new process is in place for electioneering.

Candidates in Edinburg were happy that they had specific areas where they could electioneer from on Monday, something that was determined by a drawing. 

Click here for voting resources. 

"It would be a great time for us to try designating specific electioneering areas to their candidates," said Hidalgo County Elections Administrator Yvonne Ramón.

Ramón says the decision came after a meeting with candidates.

"Everyone was in sync with what we were trying out, which was, in a sense, looking at what Weslaco has done for many, many years, and that is to draw for places,” Ramón said.

Ramon says the decision happened as a means to make things fairer.

READ ALSO: 3 Edinburg mayoral candidates debate in virtual forum  

"We discussed, we had maps, we showed them the areas that were being considered,” Ramón said. “Everyone was in agreement, so then we drew numbers.”

Channel 5 News wasn’t able to look at the maps of those designated electioneering areas, and were instead asked to submit a public records request, which we did.

A total of six cities within Hidalgo County are now taking votes. Those races ranging from mayoral races to city commissioner and councilor elections.

The city of Peñitas is only voting on a special proposition tied to their crime control and prevention district.

Ramon says that voters can research what will be on their ballot online on the county’s website before they head to the polls.

When Channel 5 News asked a representative from the Hidalgo County Elections Department if the drawing process is something that could be continued for future elections, they said right not they're not sure.

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